Bambo Nature Rash Free ECO Diapers / 無敏環保紙尿片 Size-4 (L) 7-14KG 24pcs
- Vendor: Bambo Nature
- Category: All, Bambo Nature, Care & Hygiene, ECO ...
- Tags: Brand_Bambo Nature , Product Type_ECO , Product Type_Nappies
6 packs per case / 每箱6包
Bambo Nature Rash Free ECO disposable diapers are gentle to the child’s skin and health and have a very soft textile-like back and top sheet that makes the diaper feel like soft clothing. The diaper is designed to fit a child’s anatomy perfectly, which ensures there is no leakage and makes the child feel comfortable while enabling greater freedom of movement.
Our disposable baby diapers are among the most environment-friendly diapers on the market. They are manufactured with care for the environment, and 95 % of all waste coming from the production of Bambo Nature is recycled. Furthermore, the diapers are labeled with the Nordic Eco-label, the FSC®-label, the Asthma Allergy label and are Dermatologically Tested.
Bambo Nature are proud to present all the certifications to ensure all mothers that their babies skin will be free from all the harmful chemicals. We can guarantee that!
7 - 14KG / 15 - 31 LBS
丹麥無敏環保嬰兒紙尿片, Size-4, L, 7-14 Kg, 24 片/包
開發出市場上最好,最高質量的濕度檢顯。 100%無有害化學物質,無敏。液體敏感條會變色以指示濕度。
功能提升後的Bambo Nature Dream帶來了更清爽,更舒適的體驗,使嬰兒保持乾爽並減少濕疹的可能性。
在 Bambo Nature 上的北歐白天鵝生態標籤,是確認了我們在環保上作出的努力。
而在我們的包裝上另一個標籤,FSC 森林認證則說明我們產品內所使用的木漿棉全部是來自可持續森林。在這裡,種植的樹木必須比使用的多。
同時,我們的產品亦通過了不同的獨立權威機構的測試,以確保 Bambo Nature 的紙尿片並不會導致皮膚敏感或刺激。
· 柔軟! 有如紡織品一般的背墊,讓寶寶感覺感覺更加輕柔。
· 彈力十足的側腰圍。
· 特強吸濕的表層讓水份迅速吸收,鎖緊後水分子除了持久不回滲更可保持乾爽。
· 比堅尼式立體剪裁,讓寶寶活動自如之餘,更大大減小漏尿的機會。
· 清新透氣的設計,讓寶寶屁股可以自由呼吸。
· Bambo Nature 有6款尺寸以適合所有年齡,由出生開始到寶寶開始學習如廁及不需要紙尿褲,都可以照顧得到。
6 packs per case / 每箱6包
Bambo Nature Rash Free ECO disposable diapers are gentle to the child’s skin and health and have a very soft textile-like back and top sheet that makes the diaper feel like soft clothing. The diaper is designed to fit a child’s anatomy perfectly, which ensures there is no leakage and makes the child feel comfortable while enabling greater freedom of movement.
Our disposable baby diapers are among the most environment-friendly diapers on the market. They are manufactured with care for the environment, and 95 % of all waste coming from the production of Bambo Nature is recycled. Furthermore, the diapers are labeled with the Nordic Eco-label, the FSC®-label, the Asthma Allergy label and are Dermatologically Tested.
Bambo Nature are proud to present all the certifications to ensure all mothers that their babies skin will be free from all the harmful chemicals. We can guarantee that!
7 - 14KG / 15 - 31 LBS
丹麥無敏環保嬰兒紙尿片, Size-4, L, 7-14 Kg, 24 片/包
開發出市場上最好,最高質量的濕度檢顯。 100%無有害化學物質,無敏。液體敏感條會變色以指示濕度。
功能提升後的Bambo Nature Dream帶來了更清爽,更舒適的體驗,使嬰兒保持乾爽並減少濕疹的可能性。
在 Bambo Nature 上的北歐白天鵝生態標籤,是確認了我們在環保上作出的努力。
而在我們的包裝上另一個標籤,FSC 森林認證則說明我們產品內所使用的木漿棉全部是來自可持續森林。在這裡,種植的樹木必須比使用的多。
同時,我們的產品亦通過了不同的獨立權威機構的測試,以確保 Bambo Nature 的紙尿片並不會導致皮膚敏感或刺激。
· 柔軟! 有如紡織品一般的背墊,讓寶寶感覺感覺更加輕柔。
· 彈力十足的側腰圍。
· 特強吸濕的表層讓水份迅速吸收,鎖緊後水分子除了持久不回滲更可保持乾爽。
· 比堅尼式立體剪裁,讓寶寶活動自如之餘,更大大減小漏尿的機會。
· 清新透氣的設計,讓寶寶屁股可以自由呼吸。
· Bambo Nature 有6款尺寸以適合所有年齡,由出生開始到寶寶開始學習如廁及不需要紙尿褲,都可以照顧得到。
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